Title: The Journey Itself (Is Home) Characters: Ian, Barbara Rating: PG Summary: It's the journey of a lifetime. Word count: 1524 Notes: Written for eponymous_rose in the_chestertons ficathon who wanted 'something a little wistful'. Many thanks to purple_bug for beta-reading and reassurance.
Having watched Time Crash three times now, my reaction has not yet progressed beyond *SQUEEEEEEEetc*
My mum warned me that it would probably be rubbish, but as I said, I absolutely love multi-Doctor stories and will adore anything that qualifies. Plot is secondary.
And yes, the icon is of the wrong two, but still rather
DWM 387 has a nine page article on the Big Finish audios to celebrate the 100th release, featuring interviews with Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann and David Tennant.